Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I give full permission for anyone to kick my ass if any of the following conditions are met upon return from India:
I become a Sikh or Muslim
I have dreads (or am plannin on growin some...)
I don't eat meat
I don't take pictures
I don't drink
I don't like Rashad because he's Muslim
Tyler Rapp
Monday, June 26, 2006
June 25, First day in Mussoorie

I woke up because there were loud crashing noises on the ceiling of the building. So I went outside to see what was causing the noise. Turns out there were four monkeys fighting. And by monkeys I mean like human-size half-apes. And by fighting I mean hitting each other and having sex. I decided to take a shower without realizing that the hot water doesn’t work in our room, so it was frigid. And there is no lip, so the entire bathroom floor just gets soaked. Breakfast was nothing to write about…which is why I’m wasting space saying this, right. Vijay our guide took us on a walking tour of Mussoorie, a.k.a. him not telling us we were going the wrong way until we had already walked that way for a good fifteen minutes. This time of year is the peak tourism season, so there are a lot of “weird people” he says.

June 24, drive from Delhi to Mussoorie in the Himalayas

Got up at the buttcrack of dawn to leave the YWCA in

June 23, Mosque, Taj Mahal lite, YWCA hostel party

June 22, Delhi, cell phones, Lodi Gardens

I spent all morning doing administrative stuff with the rest of the group. We all took a bus to register our Visas with the police in

June 21, Delhi sighseeing, Hanuman Temple, India gate

All water and food is included for the first week, which is awesome (and so generous of EAP considering that whole package probably cost EAP $100 total). We took a rickshaw through a scummy neighborhood to a Hanuman temple. These people lived in filth, so sad! They had tarp roofs and dirt floors, with no garbage, electricity, or running water. Men were praying on the ground, in meditation. We had to get the bindi (dot) on our foreheads. But after we got them, the priest gives you holy water and I accidentally washed off the dot hahaha. Then we collected our shoes and the transvestite asked for money.
After that, we took rickshaws to the India Gate. However, on the way, this policeman ran into the middle of the road and stops our rickshaw and gives the driver a ticket. I didn’t know they gave tickets here. So it was a really awkward cab ride the rest of the time. We got out and saw a snake charmer who was playing his flute. The cobra was upright in a little basket. He was moving to the rhythms. It was awesome.The India Gate was a big arch inscribed with the names of soldiers who fought for independence. Not that amazing. It was so unamazing that the Indian tourists wanted to take pictures with us rather than of the gate. At the far side was the Parliament building, the seat of the largest democracy in the world.
June 20 Delhi meeting other students
The group flight came in. After that we sat around in the AC lobby not doing anything constructive, so a group of us went to Palika Bazaar and
June 19, Delhi

Saturday, June 17, 2006
I am leaving today at 7:45 pm for Delhi, India from Seattle via London Heathrow. I think it's like a 28-hour flight. So all you whiners about having to drive to Norcal this weekend, please....
June 17--Flight