Monday, June 26, 2006

June 22, Delhi, cell phones, Lodi Gardens

I spent all morning doing administrative stuff with the rest of the group. We all took a bus to register our Visas with the police in Delhi. It ended up taking three hours. It was a room with counters like the DMV. The urinals were funny; they were a bowl with a hole in the bottom, so the pee just drained into a gutter and outside. We took the bus back and had lunch before going to Connaught Place to purchase cell phones. For some reason Airtel, the company, needs a passport-size photo and has representatives go visit you at your listed address to make sure you live there. My number is 091-98-7154-3360. It’s a weird plan, but it’s cool because now I have a cell phone and don’t have to wear a watch. After that I went with the same people to LodiGardens, which was a large swath of green space in sprawling Delhi. I walked alone over to Palika Bazaar to haggle. I wanted some acid-wash jeans because that seems to be what Indian guys my age wear in Delhi. So I haggled the guys down from $20 to finally $4 for a pair of nice jeans. Then I went to Palika Bazaar to look for some nice collared shirts for $1.50 each.

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