Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sunday, November 5 EAP Group Update, Confidential

I spent the day doing nothing, going online, eating with the house at the All-American Diner and Fiesta, and watching American Pie. So let me tell you about this past week back in EAP Delhi. First of all, let me just say Thank God I wasn’t here. Our EAP group should have a Real World made for it; it is anything but a normal group of students. We have complained about Dev Dar, screwed over and burned bridges with three landlords, and had parties where people get molested. Something bad always happens when the EAP Group gets together. And something very bad, and extremely tragic happened this time. Let's just say, four people are going home immediately and one is already home. I'm not going to say it in my blog because, well, I don't think it's appropriate to do so.

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