Wednesday, June 28 Party in Oakland
I bought a 2liter Coke for chaser for tonight, and on the way some guys were like, “You must like Coke” and I go, “No, you mean, chaser”. Then a light bulb came on in my head. I was thinking, “Coke is just known as chaser in Santa Barbara. I should make a dictionary for my experience at Santa Barbara. So I spent all afternoon and evening making my Santa Barbara Dictionary. It is huge and includes stuff on UCSB Campus, Isla Vista, Greek System, California, People, Parties, Sports, and Communication. It’s intense and thorough. Afterwards, I busted out the alcohol and started taking shots with Mariel, Alix, and Kim in their cottage downstairs, in Oakland Cottages.
It’s an awesome running joke how we live in Oakland. So of course we listened to Bay Area music. Then, a bunch of girls I don’t talk to took massive shots of my alcohol and it was gone before I could even get wasted. So I had to settle for a buzz. Ugh. Joslyn was even like, “I’m just going to take these shots out of the bottle”…like she bought it or something. I don’t mind sharing, but not with 50 people, and not with people that don’t pay when they take my alcohol and I don’t even get drunk. I tried taking shots of Bacardi, but they put stoppers on them, so it went in my mouth drop-by-drop, and I ended up spitting it all out in the sink. The others bought alcohol, including ‘White Mischief’ vodka (my returning nemesis) and ‘1000U’ brand, which said on the label was ‘Super Strong Beer’, ‘Injurious to health’, and ‘Contains between 5% and 8% Alcohol by Volume’.
It also tasted like whole-wheat bread. Then there was also these ‘bidis’, or little hash-leaf cigarettes with Shiva-only-knows-what in them. I guess I did a good impression of Dinker-Ji, the head teacher Kramer/drunk Irish man (PS I love how in Hindi ‘Ji’ is honorific, so you call your teachers G, and also love how his name is ‘Dinker’). Then a bunch of random people from the Brown University program (I can’t just call them ‘the Brown people’ because that would get really confusing) showed up, including a guy with Peter Culberson’s face, board shorts, Timberland boots, and a ponytail down to his butt.
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